As part of their summer programming, we stopped by, read to the kids, did drawing demonstrations, and talked through the creative process. Eyes opened wide. It was a blast.


As part of the annual St. Jude's Children's Hospital fundraiser, Joseph painted this Greta heart. To show solidarity for her brave young friends, Greta leads the way with banner in-hand, scarf on her head, and cast on her arm. If you look closely, you'll see the Luxor and New York New York in the background on one side, and there's gopher helping hoist the word "LOVE" on the other. A rodent's work is never done.


Give kids a book, a little encouragement, and watch their imaginations soar. Hand them a camera or a pencil, and watch their worlds open right up. Give them some clothes to dress up in, a helmet, fake mustache, and a cape, and watch the creative wheels in their heads start to turn like crazy. It's magical. Words can do that.

Because reading (well) and having a solid grasp on our language(s) is so important, we wanted to go beyond just writing books and publishing them ourselves. We wanted to create something bigger that brought together all sorts of different members of the community. Thus, Love for Literacy was born. Year one, the event was very small and poorly attended. Then, with the leadership of Ashanti McGee and the power of Metro Arts Council behind us and securing not one but TWO grants—huge thanks again, Target and NV Energy—year two was a bit more ambitious and a resounding success.

The list of strategic partners who volunteered their time and talent is too long to list, but here are a few: Arts Vegas, Austin Calix Photography, Ben Hale and Joel Ferguson, Sportello, Clay Arts Vegas, Downtown Soul Productions, Ashlee Fletcher, the Joseph Watson Collection, Lil' Art Bodega, Lucky Wenzel Photography, Nevada Humanities, Push Forward Skateboarding, Roberto Rico Fine Art, Somersault Letterpress, TastySpace, Wesley Vonn Photography, and the generous West Las Vegas Arts Center.

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Arts Factory Rally for Education